Advice Series
A simple guide to having an awesome digital life. Simple rules people of all ages can follow and apply to their own personal digital journey.

Parenting in the Digital World
A straight forward guide to parenting in the Digital World. Full of helpful advice for parents and carers. Lots of extra resources and places you find information and support online. Everything from setting up your young peoples devices, app’s and games safely, to getting support and reporting concerns online.
Help & Support For Young People
This resource pack enables young people to access lots of additional help and support online. Bookmark the web page on your phones web browser and it will automatically update whenever we add something new.

Something’s gone wrong
Obviously, no parent or carer wants find out things have gone wrong in their child’s online life.
However, before emotions take over and you start thinking about taking drastic actions, it maybe a good idea to think about taking these steps and advice first.
We have created and range of stay safe quizzes for primary schools. Anti-bullying and internet safety quizzes for all year groups

Get involved with some of our fun challenges. These maybe fun but, have very serious and important messages behind them.
Poster Design
Use our helpful poster templates to create your own Stay Safe Posters. Put up and display your anti-bullying and internet safety messages around your school or youth club