Boyz – 2 – Men – Secondary


Our Boyz – 2 – Men secondary programme is aimed at Yr8 – Y10 boys .

Helping young men understand the maze of masculinity. Exploring everything from what it means to be a man, delving into the influences around us and online, looking at the impact of unhealthy male behaviour on girls and how we can be positive role models in today's world.

Topics Covered.


Day 1: Feelings and emotions

Becoming a man?

Best / Hardest bits about being a man

Gender stereotypes

Boys don't cry (or do they?)

What does it mean to be a man?

 The man box – The man code

What we hide (insecurities)


Day 2: Behaviour, actions and looking ahead


Online disinhibition

Banter V's Bullying

Sexual harassment

Active bystanders

Role models

The future me


Session format: 

This session is aimed to be delivered to small groups of students.

Two half day visits (this allows us to explore this topic in greater detail, with extra time for discussions and reflection)

All workshops involves both verbal and physical participation.

This session can only be delivered during an 'On Location' visit.

Building tomorrows male role models!